Groups of rural development for Jaén province

Natural Areas of Jaén

Recreational areas, fountains, lagoons, swamps...

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Pinar de Cánavas Natural Monument

Municipality: Jimena

The natural monument Pinar de Cánavas is located in the municipality of Jimena, in the northeast of Jaén; more specifically, in the Sierra Mágina Natural Park. Declared a natural monument by the Andalusian Regional Government on 23rd November 2001, this enclave is also considered a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and a Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA).

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Los Órganos Natural Monument

Municipality: Santa Elena

Los Órganos Natural Monument is located in the Despeñaperros Natural Park; more specifically, in the municipality of Santa Elena, in the north of the province of Jaén. Declared a natural monument on 23 November 2001, this enclave is also considered a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and a Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA) to protect its almost 85 hectares of land.

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Alto Guadalquivir Natural Park

Municipality: Cazorla

The Alto Guadalquivir Natural Park is located in the north of the province of Jaén, on the banks of the Guadalquivir River. Although most of its territory is in Cazorla, it also extends through Jódar, Úbeda, Peal de Becerro and Torreperogil.

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Cañada de las Hazadillas

Municipality: Jaén

The Cañada de las Hazadillas is one of the best-known and most visited natural spots in Jaén. This leisure area, about 20 kilometres from the city, is located in the Monte de la Sierra, in the heart of the Sierra Sur, and has more than 2,700 hectares.


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Pringue's Puddle (Oil Puddle)

Municipality: Villanueva del Arzobispo

Located on the road that connects Villanueva del Arzobispo with the Tranco reservoir in the middle of Sierra de las Villas, in a pool of water embedded in the same bed of the Guadalquivir river.

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Natural Monument El Piélago

Municipality: Linares

The El Piélago natural monument is located to the north of the municipality of Linares, between the border areas of this municipality and Vilches. It is an area of almost seven hectares, 6.71 hectares to be precise, and was declared a natural monument on 1 October 2003 by the Junta de Andalucía (Regional Government of Andalusia).

In addition to being a natural monument, El Piélago is of extraordinary natural, scenic and historical value. The river Guarrizas accompanies the construction in the vicinity of Sierra Morena, when it comes into contact with the surrounding countryside.

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Mogón natural pool, artificial beach

Municipality: Villacarrillo

Mogón beach is not on the Guadalquivir riverbed, but on the Aguascebas, a mighty mountain river that, before flowing into the Guadalquivir, pools in this natural pool.

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Segura river spring

Municipality: Santiago Pontones

Spectacular pool located on the slope of a steep, rocky mountain, 1400 metres high right in Sierra de Segura, in a natural spring known as Fuente Segura.

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Arbuniel river source

Municipality: Cambil

Also known as El Nacimiento del Agua (“The Source of Water”). It is one of the most fast-flowing, renowned rivers in Sierra Mágina.

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Puente de las Herrerias

Municipality: Cazorla

It is one of the best known places in the Alto Guadalquivir with a very popular bathing area. It is the starting point for hiking trails such as the one that leads to the source of the Guadalquivir.

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San Juan river source

Municipality: Castillo de Locubín

The source of the San Juan River, the green lung of Castillo de Locubín, is a place of great beauty, where several pools of crystal clear water have been formed naturally from which underground water gushes.

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The Cuadros river and its oleander. Recreational area

Municipality: Bedmar y Garcíez

In the vicinity of the town of Bedmar, the banks of the River Cuadros house the largest oleander plant on the peninsula, the so-called “Senda de los Adelfares”.

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La Aliseda recreation area

Municipality: Santa Elena

Place of great landscape value, located five kilometers from the town of Santa Elena. It is one of the busiest spots in the province.

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Las Chorreras natural reserve

Municipality: Valdepeñas de Jaén

It"s formed by the waters of the River Vadillo that, on its way through Valdepeñas de Jaén, has formed a channel by erosion. Water flows resoundingly in rapids, small and large waterfalls.

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Fuenmayor recreation area

Municipality: Torres

Leafy and refreshing spot, it is located next to one of the many springs in the Sierra Mágina Natural Park, from which the Torres River feeds.

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Víboras reservoir

Municipality: Martos

Located on the bed of the Víboras river in the district of Las Casillas. Next to the swamp is the Viboras Swamp Periurban Park.

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La Cimbarra Waterfall

Municipality: Aldeaquemada

The waterfall of La Cimbarrase is located about two kilometers from Aldeaquemada and 11 of Despeñaperros de Jaén. A spectacular view on the eastern limits of Sierra Morena.

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El Encinarejo recreation area

Municipality: Andújar

At the main entrance to the Sierra de Andújar Natural Park, on the road to the Basilica of the Virgen de la Cabeza.

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Frío river natural reserve

Municipality: Los Villares

It"s well known for the shaded areas produced by the typical riverside woods and also for the natural spring with clear and cold water.

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La Toba recreation area

Municipality: Santiago Pontones

Free camping area, near the village of La Toba and the Anchuricas reservoir, in the valley of the Segura River, between dense pine forests and riparian vegetation.

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Dinosaur footprints

Municipality: Santisteban del Puerto

Set of 24 footprints of bipedal dinosaurs from the Triassic, located on the outskirts of Santisteban del Puerto, just 1 km away in the area known as Las Tres Eras.

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Puente de Génave riverwalk

Municipality: Puente de Génave

The walk along the banks of the Guadalimar River is one of the great attractions of Puente de Génave. In it you can see small waterfalls of interest.

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Cánava's natural spring

Municipality: Jimena

Also known as the spring of the Hermitage of Cánava, it is a place of recreation, with a lot of shade and several fountains. Near the source is the Pinar de Cánava, a forest of native Aleppo pines.

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Quejigo del Amo natural monument

Municipality: Valdepeñas de Jaén

This spectacular specimen of gall oak, also known as Quejigo del Carbón, is one of the largest specimens found in Andalusia. Its twelve meters of perimeter and its almost nine meters high, project a shadow that can shelter up to 200 people.

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Natural Park Sierra Mágina

Municipality: Cambil

The Sierra Mágina Natural Park is a natural area located in the centre of the province of Jaén. It covers an area of 19,962 hectares and is one of the most beautiful natural parks in the province.

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Riogazas recreation area

Municipality: Cazorla

It is located very close to the town of Cazorla, just 4 kilometers to the south. It has exceptional views of Cazorla and the castle of the Five Corners.

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La Zarzuela recreation area

Municipality: Vilches

Located just 2.5 kilometers north of Vilches, it highlights a spring of water that comes out through various pillars and troughs.

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Las Peralejas recreation area

Municipality: Arquillos

Located in the area of Las Dehesas, 7 km northeast of the district of El Porrosillo. It is installed next to the waters of the Guadalén river.

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San Miguel hill

Municipality: Benatae

Located 1.5 kilometers east of the town center of Benatae, towards Puente Honda, it has excellent views of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas Natural Park.

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Los Vilchetes recreation area

Municipality: Santo Tomé

It can be accessed from Santo Tomé via the road to Tranco, or from Chilluévar. It is perfectly adapted for a good day in nature.

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Linarejos recreation area

Municipality: Cazorla

It is one of the most accessible and popular natural spaces in the Sierra de Cazorla. From this spot you can access the Cerrada del Utrero or the spectacular Linarejos waterfall.

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La Puerta de Segura riverwalk

Municipality: La Puerta de Segura

The River Guadalimar divides the town in two and, at the end of the 1990s.

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Cañada Real El Paso

Municipality: Torreperogil

The Vía Cañada Real de El Paso is part of the Cañada Real Cuenca, one of the 10 main Cañadas Reales of UNESCO.

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Hoyo de los Pinos recreation area

Municipality: Pozo Alcón

It is located seven kilometers north of Pozo Alcón, very close to the La Bolera reservoir, in the middle of a beautiful pine forest.

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Empalme del Valle recreation area

Municipality: Cazorla

Located in the heart of the Alto Guadalquivir valley, it is surrounded by dense forests and steep elevations, the typical landscape of the Sierra de Cazorla.

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Santa Lucía recreation area

Municipality: Campillo de Arenas

Located in the area of Puerta de Arenas, on the side of the Sierra Nevada motorway (A-44). The place is known for the hermitage of Santa Lucía.

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Fuente Palacios recreation area

Municipality: Higuera de Calatrava

In the vicinity of Higuera de Calatrava, in the natural enclave also called San Isidro where they can be seen with beautiful views.

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Riverside of the Guadalquivir

Municipality: Villanueva de la Reina

Park arranged on the banks of the Guadalquivir river along Villanueva de la Reina. It has more than 2 km in length.

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Cueva del Peinero recreation area

Municipality: Villacarrillo

It is located in the northwest area of the Sierra de Las Villas in a steep area next to the Aguascebas Grande river, cataloged as being of scenic interest.

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Fuente Mayor natural reserve

Municipality: Jamilena

Located on the Paseo de la Fuente, inside the town of Jamilena. It houses the aquifer that was responsible for supplying water to the town.

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Los Estrechos natural reserve

Municipality: Orcera

Located just 3 kilometers east of the town of Orcera, it is a picnic area in the middle of nature. Nearby is the Orcera natural pool, a haven of waters from the Amurjo river.

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Ventarique fountain

Municipality: Arroyo del Ojanco

Ventarique Fountain is an almost one hundred year old pillar, 500 metres south of the Arroyo del Ojanco town centre.

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Las Torrecillas recreation area

Municipality: Montizón

It is located in the vicinity of the Dañador reservoir, on the border with the autonomous community of Castilla La Mancha.

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Sierra de Andújar Natural Park

Municipality: Andújar

In the northwest of the province of Jaén is the Sierra de Andújar Natural Park, in the heart of the Sierra Morena.


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Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Nature Reserve

Municipality: Cazorla

The Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas Natural Park is a natural area located in the northeast of the province of Jaén. It covers an area of 214,336 hectares, making it the largest protected area in Spain and the second largest in Europe.

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Burguillos recreation area

Municipality: Bailén

In what is known as Dehesa de Burguillos, a public mountain pasture owned by the municipality between Sierra Morena and the countryside.

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Los Calerines recreation area

Municipality: Navas de San Juan

Green area in the upper part of the municipality of Navas de San Juan, which is at the same time a wonderful viewpoint where we can appreciate the Sierras de Segura, Cazorla and las Villas, Sierra Mágina, Loma de Úbeda, Sierra Morena, the Guadalén reservoir.

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Despeñaperros Park Natural

Municipality: Santa Elena

The Despeñaperros Natural Park is a natural space located in the north of the province of Jaén, specifically, in the municipality of Santa Elena, and excavated by the Despeñaperros river. It has an extension of 7,649 hectares and, although it is not one of the largest natural parks in Andalusia, it concentrates an extraordinary natural, geological and historical heritage.

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Black Fountain

Municipality: Fuensanta de Martos

Site where water and vegetation join together to create a place of great tranquility and one of a great symbolic value for the locals.

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The Balconies of the Water

Municipality: Castellar

Series of trails located in the vicinity of the town of Castellar where you can see different fountains and pillars.

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Gil Cobo recreation area

Municipality: Villacarrillo

It is located in the Sierra de las Villas between the Aguascebas reservoir and the Charco del Aceite. The Aguascebas river forms a cut so it is suitable for bathing.

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Frailes source

Municipality: Frailes

Known as "el Nacimiento", it is an outcrop of spring water. This fountain is the most important due to its volume and location of Frailes.

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Los Llanos recreation area

Municipality: Chiclana de Segura

Natural area that is located north of the town of Chiclana de Segura, in the vicinity of the Los Llanos Tourist Complex.

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Charca de Pegalajar and Fuente de la Reja

Municipality: Pegalajar

Reservoir that collects the waters from the source of the Fuente de la Reja since medieval times. It is the center of the life of leisure and parties of the pegalajeños.

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Big Lagoon

Municipality: Baeza

It is the largest lagoon in the province of Jaén and one of the most important wetlands due to its state of conservation, for this reason it is recognized as a Natural Area.

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Arroyo Martín Pérez recreation area

Municipality: Aldeaquemada

In the vicinity of the Cascada de la Cimbarra Natural Park, where you can enjoy waterfalls such as those of Cimbarrillo, Negrillo and Cimbarra.

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Arroyo Molinos recreation area

Municipality: Hinojares

Located on the outskirts of the town of Hinojares. In the surroundings of the recreational area you can enjoy the confluence of the Ceal and Turrillas rivers.

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Fuente Negra village

Municipality: Sorihuela del Guadalimar

It is located inside the Sierra de Las Villas very close to the well-known Charco del Aceite. It was built to house the workers who built the Tranco dam.

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Fuente de la Ermita de Fuensanta source

Municipality: Huelma

Located a few kilometers from the town of Huelma. In the area, the Fuente de la Fuensanta stands out, which has an associated watering hole and where you can enjoy the freshness of the environment.

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Aguascebas reservoir

Municipality: Villacarrillo

The recreational area is located on the banks of the Aguascebas reservoir. It has impressive hiking and/or cycling routes such as Chorrogil or La Osera waterfalls.

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La Aquisgrana recreation area

Municipality: La Carolina

Located north of La Carolina, just 2 kilometers away in an old mining area next to the Campana River.

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Project funded by:

European Union Feder Funds Junta de Andalucía

Project coordinated by:

Association for Rural Development for the District of El Condado de Jaén Association for Rural Development of Sierra Sur de Jaén Group for Rural Development of Sierra de Segura Association for Rural Development of Sierra Mágina Association for Socioeconomic Development of La Loma y Las Villas Association for Rural Development of Campiña Norte de Jaén Association for Rural Development of Sierra de Cazorla
Natural Areas de la Provincia de Jaén