Riogazas recreation area

Riogazas recreation area

Municipality: Cazorla

Regions: Sierra de Cazorla

Latitude: 37.894273°

Longitude: -2.996264°

Altitude: 1130.242 m


The recreation area

Riogazas recreation area is located close to Cazorla town, 4 kilometers to the south.

In the recreation area there is a viewpoint to contemplate excellent panoramic views of Cazorla, the Homenaje Tower of the Five Corners Castle (which sits on top of the Salvatierra Hill) and the great olive fields at the back.

The recreation area was recently renovated. The area is fenced. There are drinking fountains and a parking space. It is a perfect place for nature lovers to enjoy an impressive landscape.

Photo Gallery

Riogazas recreation area
Riogazas recreation area
Riogazas recreation area
Riogazas recreation area
Riogazas recreation area
Riogazas recreation area
Riogazas recreation area
Riogazas recreation area

Project funded by:

European Union Feder Funds Junta de Andalucía

Project coordinated by:

Association for Rural Development for the District of El Condado de Jaén Association for Rural Development of Sierra Sur de Jaén Group for Rural Development of Sierra de Segura Association for Rural Development of Sierra Mágina Association for Socioeconomic Development of La Loma y Las Villas Association for Rural Development of Campiña Norte de Jaén Association for Rural Development of Sierra de Cazorla
Natural Areas de la Provincia de Jaén