Cazorla recovers pre-pandemic tourist data

According to the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia (IECA), Cazorla recovers the tourist data prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Cazorla, capital of Tourism 2022, has received 15,764 travellers who have preferred to change the coastal areas for the inland tourism of Jaén.
The mayor of Cazorla, Antonio José Rodríguez, is satisfied and happy with these figures, as they have repercussions on the social and economic environment of the territory. According to Rodríguez, the increase in international flights, the agenda of cultural events in the town and the promotion of Cazorla as a quality tourist destination have led to the recovery of the pre-pandemic figures.
Cazorla, Tourism Capital 2022
This year, the users of the Escapada Rural website have chosen the Sierra de Cazorla as the capital of Tourism 2022. The same website also proclaimed Cazorla as the most beautiful village in Spain.
In this edition of the contest, the sixth to be held, Cazorla took first place as tourist capital thanks to 20.9% of the almost 100,000 total votes. Thus, the ranking was as follows:
- Cazorla, 20.9% of the votes.
- Chinchón, Madrid (13.8%).
- Esterri d"Àneu, Lleida (12.8%).
What to see in Cazorla
- La Yedra Castle, known as the Castle of the Four Corners. The first fortification was Arab and dates back to the 11th century, but the current image corresponds to the 13th century Castilian construction during the pontificate of Don Pedro Tenorio.
- Salvatierra Castle, known as the Castle of the Five Corners. It was built during the last third of the 14th century to reinforce the defence of the capital of the Adelantamiento, which was Cazorla, and to prevent possible offensive actions by the Nasrids of Granada.
- Bridge of Las Herrerías. This is one of the most emblematic places in Cazorla, located in the heart of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas Natural Park. It has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest.
- Riogazas recreational area. From here, you can enjoy exceptional panoramic views of Cazorla, with the keep of the Cinco Esquinas castle and the great olive grove countryside.
- Linarejos recreational area. Crossed by the crystalline stream that bears its name, this recreational area can boast of being surrounded by lush riverside vegetation and of being home to numerous mammals of the sierra.
- Empalme del Valle recreational area.
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