Santa Lucía recreation area

Santa Lucía recreation area

Municipality: Campillo de Arenas

Regions: Sierra Mágina

Latitude: 37.604302°

Longitude: -3.600802°

Altitude: 747.295 m


The recreation area

Santa Lucía Recreation Area is located in Puerta de Arenas, on one side of the Sierra Nevada motorway (A-44), and it belongs to the town of Campillo de Arenas, which is 7kms away from it.

The recreation area offers a number of interesting activities such as bird watching, a botanical garden, hiking routes, picnic areas and a leisure centre. There, you will be able to enjoy the fresh atmosphere of the bank of the River Guadalbullón.

The place is well known for the chapel of Santa Lucía, located at the far end of the tunnel that was inaugurated in 1840. The history of the chapel goes back to 1858 when it was firstly built, after several years collecting donations from devotees who went to Puerta de Arenas to pray to the Saint. Before the chapel was built, the Saint was depicted in a painting upon one of the walls of the tunnel.

From the 19th century, a religious pilgrimage is celebrated at this place every year on Pentecost Sunday. It is a very popular pilgrimage in neighbouring towns.

Photo Gallery

Santa Lucía recreation area
Santa Lucía recreation area
Santa Lucía recreation area
Santa Lucía recreation area
Santa Lucía recreation area
Santa Lucía recreation area
Santa Lucía recreation area
Santa Lucía recreation area

Project funded by:

European Union Feder Funds Junta de Andalucía

Project coordinated by:

Association for Rural Development for the District of El Condado de Jaén Association for Rural Development of Sierra Sur de Jaén Group for Rural Development of Sierra de Segura Association for Rural Development of Sierra Mágina Association for Socioeconomic Development of La Loma y Las Villas Association for Rural Development of Campiña Norte de Jaén Association for Rural Development of Sierra de Cazorla
Natural Areas de la Provincia de Jaén